"La Mentalidad Para Superar"
The Mindset of Success
"The Mindset of Success" (La Mentalidad Para Superar), is an academic social & emotional learning program facilitated by bilingual (English and Spanish) Hispanic College Student Leaders who deliver their self-empowering stories to relate to the various topics and themes covered in the program. This program is specially geared for Hispanic high school juniors and seniors who are or have previously been in an English Language Learners (ELLs) class. The purpose of this program is to help these students become academically and mentally prepared for High School graduation and to enroll in a colleges/university, or pick up any trade-skill after high school.
Connect a student with a Mentor/College Student Leader.
Increase the number of this student population to reach out to a school faculty member(s) for support in any of the following areas: emotional needs, career advice, and overcoming addictions.
Get each student to submit applications to 3 different colleges/ trade schools.
Increase students’ time management skills
Increase participation from these students’ parents in the school’s PTA/ PTO
Statement of Need & Social Theory of Change
Student Testimonial at Eastside High School Newark, NJ
We are targeting the ELL high school student population. Our plan is to help these students to excel by getting them into college or involved in developing a trade-skill. In the long run, we will highlight their success stories to motivate other students who are English learners to strive for that same level of success. This project will also highlight the success stories of young, successful Hispanic leaders (who are in college) and use these stories to serve as an inspiration for the following generation of high school students.
In New Jersey, Hispanics and African Americans are the ethnic populations that are represented in low- income environments, and unfortunately, there aren’t many positive role models for the youth in these environments to look up to. By exposing young and successful role models to the Hispanic youth, they’ll be able to view positive alternatives to their lives which could potentially lead to these individuals being less likely to be incriminated and reducing tax dollars going to the prison system.
Program Timetable and Hours of Operation

This is a 10-12 week program running once a week, and each session will be a 70-80-minute session or two class periods during school days. We’ll need to coordinate with the school’s scheduling system to have the exact dates and times for the program itself.
Student Testimonial at Lakewood High School Lakewood, NJ
Study Habits
Substance Abuse
Pre-assessment surveys during the beginning of the program will be conducted. The assessment will consist of questions from the following topics: